ZX Spectrum vender tilbake

Den britiske retrobutikken Funstock har annonsert at Sinclair ZX Spectrum Vega lanseres 24. august. Dette er i praksis en skikkelig ZX Spectrum, men i en kompakt boks som får strømmen sin fra USB-porten på TV-en. Systemet har hele 1000 spill innebygd – alle med lovlig lisens – og støtter flere via SD-kort.

Konsollen og et utvalg spill. Hvor mange kjenner du igjen?
Konsollen og et utvalg spill. Hvor mange kjenner du igjen?

Vega er designet av Chris Smith, som visstnok er en tidligere ZX Spectrum-utvikler, og har fått full støtte av Sir Clive selv. Den mangler tastaturet til originalen, men har et virtuelt tastatur på skjermen. Alle de innebygde spillene fungerer med knappene på dingsen.

Prisen er 100 britiske pund, altså nesten 1300 kroner. Det betyr med andre ord at du burde kunne få en ekte maskin til en billigere penge. Men den kommer ikke med 1000 spill innebygd, og der må du leve med lastetider, dårlige koblinger til TV-apparatet, og så videre.

For de uinnvidde er ZX Spectrum en britisk mikrodatamaskin som ble lansert i 1982. Den var voldsomt populær på øyriket, mye takket være den lave prisen. Det resulterte i et yrende spillmarked, og plattformen fikk en rekke genuine klassikere.

Lurer du på hvilke spill som er installert? Her er listen:

  1. 1999
  2. 2088
  3. 1994 – Ten Years After
  4. 20-20 Vision
  5. 3D Noughts & Crosses – V1
  6. 3D Noughts & Crosses – V2
  7. 3D-Tanx
  8. A Bomb Under Parliament
  9. A Day in the Life of Arnold
  10. A Dungeon Romp
  11. A Harvesting Moon
  12. A Hero for Sorania
  13. A Legacy For Alaric
  14. A Serpentine Tale
  15. A Stroll in the Bleak Forest
  16. A Touch Too Much
  17. A Visit to Trev and Carol’s
  18. A.T.A.C.
  19. ACE 2088
  20. Advent
  21. Adventure In Bristol
  22. Adventures of a Common Frog
  23. Afteroids
  24. Agatha’s Folly
  25. Ahhh!!
  26. Aladdin’s Cave
  27. Albatrossity
  28. Alien Destroyer
  29. Alien Evolution
  30. Alien Insects
  31. Alien Maze
  32. Alien Research Centre
  33. All In A Day’s Work
  34. All Present and Correct
  35. Alter Ego
  36. Alter Ego 2: Dreamwalker
  37. Amaze
  38. An Everyday Tale…
  39. Angler
  40. Another Brick on the Wall
  41. Another Brick on the Wall 2
  42. Apple Jam
  43. April 7th
  44. Aquasquad
  45. Archaic
  46. Army Moves
  47. Arnhem
  48. Arnold The Adventurer
  49. Arnold The Adventurer II
  50. Arnold The Adventurer III
  51. Artura
  52. Astroblasters
  53. Astronomer
  54. Astro-Wars
  55. Atic Atac
  56. Auf Wiedersehen Monty
  57. Aunt Velma
  58. Aurascope
  59. Aussie Rules – V1
  60. Aussie Rules – V2
  61. Automonopoli
  62. Autorennen
  63. Avenger
  64. Aztec Assault
  65. Babaliba
  66. Back to Skool
  67. Backgammon – Version 1
  68. Backgammon – Version 2
  69. Ballbreaker
  70. Ballbreaker II
  71. Balowwwn!
  72. Balrog And The Cat
  73. Balrog’s Day Out
  74. Bananaby
  75. Banger Management
  76. Bargain Basement
  77. Battery’s Not Precluded
  78. Battleships – Version 1
  79. Battleships – Version 2
  80. Battleships – Version 3
  81. Beatle Quest
  82. Behind Closed Doors
  83. Behind Closed Doors 2
  84. Behind Closed Doors 3
  85. Behold Atlantis
  86. BeTiled!
  87. Beyond Eldorado
  88. Big Ben Strikes Again
  89. Bismarck
  90. Black Beard
  91. Black Sun
  92. Blastermind!
  93. Blind Panic
  94. Blink
  95. Blitz
  96. Blood Valley
  97. BMX Ninja
  98. Bog Of Brit
  99. Boid
  100. Bomb Ed
  101. Bomber
  102. Bombscare
  103. Bonkers
  104. Book of the Dead
  105. Bootee
  106. Boovie 2
  107. Bored Of The Rings
  108. Bounder
  109. Bounty Hunter
  110. Box Reloaded
  111. Boxing Coach
  112. Boxing Manager
  113. Boyd File
  114. Breakaway
  115. Breakout
  116. Brian The Dishonest…
  117. Brian The Novice Barbarian
  118. Bronx
  119. Bubble Buster
  120. Bugaboo the Flea
  121. Bugsy
  122. Bulbo And The Lizard-King
  123. Bunny
  124. Burlish Adventure
  125. Bustout
  126. Butcher Hill
  127. Buzzsaw+
  128. Byte Me
  129. Cadaverion
  130. Cannibals from Outer Space
  131. Canyon Warrior
  132. Cap’n Rescue
  133. Casanova
  134. Castle Adventure
  135. Castle Quest
  136. Catch 23
  137. Catwalk
  138. Caveman
  139. Cavemania
  140. Caverns of Kontonia
  141. Celtic Carnage
  142. Centipede – Version 1
  143. Centipede – Version 2
  144. Centipedes
  145. Cerius
  146. Chain Reaction
  147. Chambers of Death
  148. Championship Baseball
  149. Championship Sprint
  150. Chequered Flag
  151. Chess Tutor
  152. Chinese Patience
  153. Chopper Mission
  154. City of Death
  155. City Patrol
  156. Civil Service
  157. Civil Service II
  158. Classic Axiens
  159. Classic Invaders
  160. Classic Muncher
  161. Cloud 99
  162. Coliseum
  163. Colossus Chess 4
  164. Columns
  165. Comando Tracer
  166. Combat Zone
  167. Complica DX
  168. Confused
  169. Confuzion
  170. Connect 4
  171. Contact Sam Cruise
  172. Convoy Raider
  173. Coracle
  174. Corporal Stone
  175. Corsairs
  176. Cosa Nostra
  177. Cousin Horace – Introduction
  178. Crack City
  179. Crack-Up
  180. Crawler
  181. Cray 5
  182. Crazy Castles
  183. Crazy Er*Bert
  184. Creatures And Caverns
  185. Creepy Dungeons
  186. Cricket-Crazy
  187. Crossfire
  188. Cuddles
  189. Curse of the Seven Faces
  190. Cybex
  191. Cyrox
  192. Cyrus IS Chess
  193. Dandy
  194. Dark Castle
  195. Dark Fusion
  196. Dark Star
  197. Davy Jones Locker
  198. Daylight Robbery
  199. Dead or Alive
  200. Deadly Labyrinth of Lord Xyrx
  201. Deadly Mission
  202. Death Before Dishonour
  203. Death Chess 5000
  204. Deek’s Deeds
  205. Deep Strike
  206. Defender
  207. Deflektor
  208. Demigod
  209. Demonslair
  210. Desert Island
  211. Desert Rats
  212. Desmond And Gertrude
  213. Devil Diver
  214. Devilish Autocrash
  215. Dex
  216. Diablo!
  217. Dilithium Lift
  218. Discs of Death
  219. Disposable Heroes
  220. Doctor What!
  221. Dodge’Ums
  222. Dogmole Tuppowski
  223. Dollars in the Dust
  224. Dominator
  225. Dominetris
  226. Doombase
  227. Double Agent
  228. Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde
  229. Dragon Quest
  230. Dragonia
  231. Draughts
  232. Driller Tanks
  233. Drunk Policeman
  234. Dung Darach
  235. Dungeons of Maldread
  236. D’Veel’Ng
  237. Earth Defence
  238. Earthshock
  239. Easy Peasy Adventure
  240. Eclipse
  241. Egghead
  242. Egghead 2
  243. Egghead 3
  244. Egghead 4
  245. Egghead 5
  246. Eights
  247. El Stompo
  248. Electra 9000
  249. Elfindor
  250. Eliminator
  251. Elvin the Elf
  252. Emilio Butragueno Football
  253. Emilio Sanchez Grand Slam
  254. Encyclopedia of War
  255. End Zone
  256. Endless Forms Most Beautiful
  257. Endurance
  258. Engineer Humpty
  259. Eric & the Floaters
  260. Escape
  261. Escape From Hodgkins’ Manor
  262. Espionage Island
  263. ETa
  264. Everyone’s A Wally
  265. Evil Realm
  266. Excalibur: Sword of Kings
  267. Extreme
  268. F.I.R.E.
  269. Factory Daze
  270. Faerie
  271. Fahrenheit 3000
  272. Farmer Jack 1
  273. Farmer Jack 2
  274. Farmer Jack 3
  275. Feline Fancy
  276. Find the Mate
  277. Finders Keepers
  278. Firestorm
  279. Firewolf
  280. Fistful Of Necronomicons
  281. Flameout
  282. Flight Simulation
  283. Flight Simulator
  284. Flippit
  285. Floarea Soarelui
  286. Football Frenzy
  287. Football Glory
  288. Footballer of the Year
  289. Footballer of the Year 2
  290. For Pete’s Sake
  291. Forbidden Planet
  292. Force Fighter
  293. Forest of Evil
  294. Formula One
  295. Four Minutes To Midnight
  296. Frank N Stein Rebooted
  297. Frank the Flea
  298. Frankenstein
  299. Fred
  300. Freddy Hardest
  301. Frightmare
  302. Frog 5
  303. From Out Of A Dark Night Sky
  304. Frost Byte
  305. Fuddo And Slam
  306. Future Knight
  307. Galactians
  308. Galactic Gunners
  309. Galactic Invasion
  310. Galactic Jail Break
  311. Galactic Patrol
  312. Galaxy Attack
  313. Galaxy Fighter
  314. Game Over II
  315. Game Without A Name
  316. GBA Championship Basketball
  317. Gee Bee Air Rally
  318. Gem Chaser
  319. Gem Chaser 2
  320. Gerry the Germ
  321. Get Me To The Church On Time
  322. Ghost Castle
  323. Glug Glug
  324. Gobbleman
  325. Gods of War
  326. Goku Mal
  327. Gold Mine
  328. Gold or Glory
  329. Golf
  330. Gommy, Medieval Defender
  331. Gonzalezz
  332. Goody
  333. GOR
  334. Gravibots
  335. Grebit
  336. Grid Master
  337. Grid Patrol
  338. Grid Trap
  339. Ground Zero
  340. Grumpy Gumphrey
  341. Gunboat
  342. Gunfighter
  343. Gunfright
  344. Gunpowder, Treason and Plot
  345. Gutz
  346. H.A.T.E.
  347. H.R.H.
  348. Hades Nebula
  349. Halls of the Things
  350. Handy Andy
  351. Hard Cheese
  352. Harry Hare’s Lair
  353. Haunted House
  354. Henry’s Hoard
  355. Herbert’s Dummy Run
  356. Hercules
  357. Here Be Tygers
  358. Hero Quest
  359. Hero Quest 2
  360. Hide and Seek
  361. High Steel
  362. Hob’s Hoard
  363. Hop ‘n’ Chop
  364. Horace & the Spiders
  365. Horace Goes Skiing
  366. Horace Goes to the Tower
  367. Hostage
  368. Hotch Potch
  369. House on the Tor
  370. Howzat
  371. Hudson Hawk
  372. Humphrey
  373. Humpty Dumpty 1
  374. Humpty Dumpty 2
  375. Hungry Horace
  376. Hunter
  377. Hypa Raid
  378. Hyperlane
  379. Hyperlane+
  380. Hysteria
  381. I Alien
  382. I Need Speed
  383. Ice Station Zero
  384. iD
  385. iLogicAll
  386. I’m in Shock
  387. Impact
  388. Implosion
  389. Impossamole
  390. In Search Of Angels
  391. Inca Curse
  392. Indoor Soccer
  393. Infernal Combustion
  394. International Rugby
  395. Into The Mystic
  396. Invaders – Version 1
  397. Invaders – Version 2
  398. Invasion Force
  399. Investigations
  400. Iron Soldier
  401. Itemiada
  402. Iythus
  403. Izzy Wizzy
  404. Jack And The Beanstalk
  405. Jack in Magicland
  406. Jack the Nipper
  407. Jack the Nipper II
  408. Japanese Monster Castle 3
  409. Jason’s Gem
  410. Jester Quest
  411. Jet Paco
  412. Jetpac
  413. Jet-Story
  414. Jigsaw
  415. JINJ 2: Belmonte’s Revenge
  416. Jock and the Time Rings
  417. Journey to the Centre…
  418. Juggernaut
  419. Julifrustris in the City
  420. Jumble
  421. Jump
  422. Jungle Jie
  423. Jungle Warrior
  424. Just One Of Those Days
  425. Kaboom!
  426. Kentucky Racing
  427. Khazzad-Dum
  428. Kick Off
  429. Kidnap
  430. Kidnapped
  431. Kim
  432. Knight Life
  433. Knight Lore
  434. Knight Tyme
  435. Knights & Demons DX
  436. Kobyashi Ag’Kwo
  437. Kobyashi Naru
  438. Kong’s Revenge
  439. Krakout
  440. Labour Pains
  441. Labyrynth
  442. Lala Lah
  443. Lala Prologue
  444. Larry the Lemming
  445. Laserwarp
  446. Laskar’s Crystal
  447. Laskar’s Return
  448. Lazy Jones
  449. League Football
  450. Leopold The Minstrel
  451. Lifeboat
  452. Lifeline
  453. Lifeterm
  454. Lightmare
  455. Limelight
  456. Livingstone II
  457. Livingstone, I Presume
  458. Loads of Midnight
  459. Loco Bingo
  460. Loose Ends
  461. Los Amores de Brunilda
  462. Lost In Time
  463. Luna Atac
  464. Lunar Jetman
  465. Lunar Rescue
  466. Mad Dash
  467. Mad Flunky
  468. Mad Mix Game
  469. Maglaxians
  470. Magma Man
  471. Magnetic Moon
  472. Man About The House
  473. Mansion Quest
  474. Mariano the Dragon
  475. Marie Celeste Adventure
  476. Maritrini Monster Slayer
  477. Marooned
  478. Martian Knock Out
  479. Masterchess
  480. Match Point
  481. Matchmaker
  482. Maziacs
  483. Mega-Apocalypse
  484. Meganova – The Weapon
  485. Meltdown
  486. Merhownie’s Light
  487. Metabolis
  488. Metal Man Reloaded
  489. Metalyx
  490. Meteoroids
  491. Micro Olympics
  492. Microball
  493. Microfair Madness
  494. Millimon
  495. Mindstone
  496. Mini Adventure
  497. Missile
  498. Missile Command
  499. Mission X
  500. Moggy
  501. Moggy Adventure
  502. Mole on the Dole
  503. Mole Rat!
  504. Molemania
  505. Monono
  506. Monty is Innocent
  507. Monty on the Run
  508. More Tea, Vicar?
  509. Morris Meets the Bikers
  510. Mothership
  511. Motor Massacre
  512. Motorcycle 500
  513. Mountie Mick’s Death Ride
  514. Mr. Wong’s Loopy Laundry
  515. MultiDude
  516. Munch Man
  517. Munchman
  518. Murder – He Said
  519. Murder Hunt
  520. Murder Hunt 2
  521. Murder Mystery Weekend
  522. Music Maker
  523. Mutan Zone
  524. Mutant Monty
  525. Mutant Monty 2
  526. Mutiny
  527. Mystery of the Indus Valley
  528. Myth
  529. N.E.I.L. Android
  530. Nato Assault
  531. Necks Please
  532. Nemo’s Island
  533. Nervos This Position
  534. Nifty Lifty
  535. Night Stalker
  536. Nightwing
  537. Nim
  538. Ninja Hamster
  539. Ninjajar
  540. No 1
  541. Norman
  542. Norman’s Lament
  543. North Star
  544. Nosferatu the Vampyre
  545. Nous
  546. Nth Zone
  547. Nuclear Countdown
  548. Number Six In The Village
  549. Ocean Racer
  550. Oddball
  551. Odyssey 1
  552. Office Space
  553. Olli & Lissa II: Halloween
  554. Olympics
  555. On Reflection
  556. On the Oche
  557. On the Run
  558. One Day Cricket
  559. One Hundred and Eighty!
  560. One Of Our Wombats Is Missing
  561. Operation Hormuz
  562. Orion
  563. Orpheus in the Underworld
  564. Outcast
  565. Overkill
  566. Pandemonia
  567. Parabola
  568. Paradise in Microdot
  569. Paris Dakar
  570. Pass Your Driving Test
  571. Paws
  572. Pegasus
  573. Pegasus Bridge
  574. Pendragon
  575. Periscope Up
  576. Personal Computer Whirled!
  577. Pets vs Aliens Prologue
  578. Petulant Poogslay
  579. Phantomas at the Museum
  580. Phantomas Saga: Infinity
  581. Phantomas Tales #1
  582. Phantomas Tales #4
  583. Phantomasa 2
  584. Phoenix
  585. Pi in the Sky
  586. Pi There
  587. Pi-Balled
  588. Pi-Eyed
  589. Piggy
  590. Pi-In’Ere
  591. Pimania
  592. Pimeval Man
  593. Pizza Bar
  594. Planet of Death
  595. Planet of Shades
  596. Planetoids
  597. Potty Pigeon
  598. Pride of the Federation
  599. Pro Golf – Pebble Beach
  600. Pro Golf II – Royal Lytham
  601. Pro Mountain Bike Simulator
  602. Professional Soccer
  603. Punch & Judy
  604. Push Off
  605. Pusher
  606. Pyjamarama
  607. Qang
  608. Quadracube, 3D
  609. Quann Tulla
  610. Quantum Gardening
  611. Quest For The Holy Joystick
  612. Race Track
  613. Radiomania
  614. Ragnablock
  615. Rakattak
  616. Rally Driver
  617. Ramire the Vampire 1
  618. Ramire the Vampire 2
  619. Ramon Rodriguez
  620. Rapede
  621. Raymond Pringle
  622. Realm Of Darkness
  623. Reckless Rufus
  624. Redbeard’s Treasure
  625. Reflections
  626. Rescue
  627. Rescue in the Gulf
  628. Revenge of the C5
  629. Revenge of the Killer Tomatoes
  630. Revolver
  631. Rex
  632. Rhyme Cryme
  633. Rik the Roadie
  634. River Rescue
  635. Road Racers
  636. Robin the Outlaw
  637. Robore
  638. Robot Rumpus
  639. Rock ’N Roller
  640. Rogue Comet
  641. Romit
  642. Ronnie Goes To Hollywood
  643. Room Ten
  644. Rugby Boss
  645. Run Bill Run
  646. Run for Gold
  647. S.M.A.S.H.E.D.
  648. Sabre Wulf
  649. Saimazoom
  650. Sam Stoat Safebreaker
  651. Sam’s Unexcellent Adventure
  652. Samurai
  653. Santa
  654. Sarlmoor
  655. Satcom
  656. Savage
  657. School
  658. School 2
  659. Scoop
  660. Score 3020
  661. Sea Battles
  662. Seahawk
  663. Seaside Sorcery
  664. Secret Code
  665. Sector
  666. Sector Invasion
  667. Seekey
  668. Se-Kaa of Assiah
  669. Sgt. Helmet Zero
  670. Shaws III
  671. She Vampires
  672. Sheer Panic
  673. Sherlock: A Matter of Evil
  674. Sherwood Forest
  675. Ship of Doom
  676. Shoot Redux
  677. Shoot-Out
  678. Shove a Sledge
  679. Shuttlebug
  680. Silhouette Colour Doodle
  681. Silverwolf
  682. Sir Ababol
  683. Sir Ababol 2
  684. Sir Ababol DX
  685. Sir Fred
  686. Sito Pons 500cc
  687. Skate Crazy
  688. Skatin’ USA
  689. Skittles
  690. Skool Daze
  691. Slubberdegullion
  692. Snake
  693. Snake Byte
  694. Snare
  695. Snoball in Hell
  696. Snookered
  697. Snow Joke
  698. Soccer Boss
  699. Soccer Challenge
  700. Soccer Cup Quizmaster
  701. Soccer Star
  702. Soccer Supremo
  703. Sokoban
  704. Solar Fire
  705. Sophistry
  706. SOS Rescue
  707. Space 7
  708. Space Crusade
  709. Space Raiders
  710. Space Warrior
  711. Spawn of Evil
  712. Special Intergalactic Painter
  713. Specman
  714. Spectrum Chess
  715. Spectrum Chess II
  716. Spectrum Micro Chess
  717. Spectrum Says
  718. Spectrum Voice Chess
  719. Speed Duel
  720. Spellbound
  721. Spindizzy
  722. Spirits
  723. Spitfire 40
  724. Splat!
  725. Splattr
  726. Spooky Castle
  727. Stage Coach
  728. Stainless Steel
  729. Stalker
  730. Stamp Quest
  731. Star Dragon
  732. Star Flaws
  733. Star Paws
  734. Star Pilot
  735. Star Swallow
  736. Star Wreck
  737. Starbuster
  738. Stardust
  739. Starfox
  740. Starion
  741. Starship Mulvaney
  742. Starship Quest
  743. Stop the Express
  744. Stormbringer
  745. Stranded
  746. Stranded 2.5
  747. Strangers from Outer Space
  748. Street Sports Basketball
  749. Strike Force Cobra
  750. Striker Manager
  751. Stuart Henry’s Pop Quiz
  752. Subacuatic
  753. Subacuatic Reloaded
  754. Submariner
  755. Sudoku
  756. Sumer
  757. Sun Star
  758. SunBucket
  759. Super Brat
  760. Super Cars
  761. Super Scramble Simulator
  762. Super Sports
  763. SuperCom
  764. Superkid
  765. Superkid in Space
  766. Swettibitz in Space
  767. Switchblade
  768. Sword of Bhakhor
  769. Swordfight at Midnight
  770. Swords of Bane
  771. Tank Command
  772. Target
  773. Tax Returns
  774. Tears of the Moon
  775. Techno Cop
  776. Teenage Emergency
  777. Ten Green Bottles
  778. Ten Pin Challenge
  779. Tenebra Macabre
  780. Terraform
  781. Terry’s Travels
  782. The 12 Days of Xmas
  783. The 39 Steps
  784. The Abbey of Death
  785. The Adventures of Crusoe
  786. The Adventures Of Robin Hood
  787. The Adventures of Sinbad
  788. The Amulet Of Dareth
  789. The Apprentice
  790. The Armageddon Man
  791. The Bardic Rite
  792. The Beast of Torrack Moor
  793. The Beginning Of The End
  794. The Bermuda Triangle
  795. The Black Tower
  796. The Blackskull Mountains
  797. The Challenge
  798. The Chard
  799. The Charm
  800. The Citadel
  801. The Cloak
  802. The Crown Of Lithrune
  803. The Crystal of Chantie
  804. The Crystal Of Kings
  805. The Cup
  806. The Curse Of Calutha
  807. The Curse of Nimue
  808. The Dark Tower
  809. The Darkest Road
  810. The Dogboy
  811. The Domes Of Sha
  812. The Double
  813. The Dragonstar Trilogy
  814. The Duct
  815. The Egg
  816. The Elfin Wars
  817. The Ellisnore Diamond
  818. The Emerald Elf
  819. The Enchanted Cottage
  820. The Energem Enigma
  821. The Envelope
  822. The Escaping Habit
  823. The Extricator
  824. The Eye of Bain
  825. The Final Chorus
  826. The Final Demand
  827. The Final Frontier
  828. The Fire Ruby
  829. The Forest Stop
  830. The Fury
  831. The General
  832. The Golden Apple
  833. The Golden Locket
  834. The Golden Pyramid
  835. The Gordello Incident – Intro
  836. The Great Detective
  837. The Green Death
  838. The Hammer Of Grimmold
  839. The Hit
  840. The House
  841. The Infiltrator
  842. The Invisible Invader
  843. The Islands Of Sinbad
  844. The Jade Necklace
  845. The Khangrin Plans
  846. The Krazy Kartoonist Kaper
  847. The Labours Of Hercules
  848. The Last Mission
  849. The Last Mohican
  850. The Last Vampire
  851. The Legacy
  852. The Little Wandering Guru
  853. The Living Body
  854. The Lone Electron
  855. The Lost Children
  856. The Lost Temple
  857. The Lost World
  858. The Magic Isle
  859. The Mapper
  860. The Master
  861. The Menagerie
  862. The Mines of Lithiad
  863. The Miser
  864. The Mummy’s Crypt
  865. The Muncher
  866. The Mystery of The Nile
  867. The Nether Regions
  868. The Odyssey of Hope
  869. The Official Father Xmas Game
  870. The Oppressed Land
  871. The Paranoia Complex
  872. The Pawns Of War
  873. The Pendant of Logryn
  874. The Planets
  875. The Prodigy
  876. The Quest For The Holy Snail
  877. The Real Stunt Experts
  878. The Realm
  879. The Return of the Holy Joystick
  880. The Secret of Little Hodcome
  881. The Secret Of St. Brides
  882. The Sefton Manor Assignment
  883. The Shard of Inovar
  884. The Sillycon War
  885. The Slaughter Caves
  886. The Smuggler
  887. The Snow Queen
  888. The Song of Taliesin
  889. The Spore
  890. The Staff Of Power
  891. The Star Fly
  892. The Survivors
  893. The Taxman Cometh
  894. The Three Lights of Glaurung
  895. The Time Lords Amulet
  896. The Trader Trilogy
  897. The Train Game
  898. The Treasure Of Santa Maria
  899. The Trouble With Trolls
  900. The Tunnel
  901. The Twilight Zone
  902. The Unborn One
  903. The Valley
  904. The Very Big Cave Adventure
  905. The Violator Of Voodoo
  906. The Warlock’s Treasure
  907. The Well Of Zol
  908. The Wizard Of Oz
  909. The Wonderful Whotsit
  910. The Woods of Winter
  911. Theatre Europe
  912. Theme Park UK
  913. Theme Park USA
  914. Theodore Can’t Fly
  915. There’s a Hole in Your Bucket
  916. Thing Bounces Back
  917. Three Weeks in Paradise
  918. Thro’ the Wall
  919. Thunderturds
  920. Tiless
  921. Time Machine
  922. Time Wreck
  923. Timezone
  924. Tinderbox
  925. Titanic
  926. Toddler Trouble
  927. Toilet Truble
  928. Tour de Force
  929. Tower of Brahma
  930. Tower of Evil
  931. Tracer Command
  932. Tracksuit Manager
  933. Trailblazer
  934. Trailer 2
  935. Tranz Am
  936. Tridex
  937. Trom
  938. Trooper: Point 5
  939. Tuareg
  940. Turbo Girl
  941. Turbo the Tortoise
  942. Turtle Timewarp
  943. Tusker
  944. T’was a Time of Dread
  945. Twilight
  946. Twinz!
  947. Twister
  948. Type-Rope
  949. Ulises
  950. Ultimate Warrior
  951. Underwurlde
  952. Urban
  953. Uwol, Quest for Money
  954. Vampire’s Empire
  955. Vendetta
  956. Venom
  957. Venturama
  958. Vikings
  959. Vixen
  960. Vulcan
  961. W*H*B
  962. W.A.R.
  963. Wanted – Monty Mole
  964. WC Boxing Manager
  965. Weaver Of Her Dreams
  966. Wells & Fargo
  967. Wheelie
  968. Who Dares Wins II
  969. Whopper Chase
  970. Why Is…
  971. Willy the Wasp
  972. Willy the Wasp 2
  973. Wind Surfer
  974. Winter Term
  975. Witch Hunt
  976. Witchfiend
  977. Wizard Quest – The Guide
  978. Wolfman
  979. World Class Leaderboard
  980. World Cup Football
  981. World Heavyweight Boxing
  982. Wunderchar$
  983. X=Y=Z
  984. Xenon
  985. X-Mas Ludo
  986. Xtroth – The Adventure
  987. Yeti
  988. Zaraks
  989. ZEN
  990. ZEN II
  991. Zen Quest
  992. Zig Zag
  993. Zombie Calavera Prologue
  994. Zulu Wars
  995. ZX Adventure
  996. ZX Columns
  997. ZX Mines
  998. ZX Mines 2
  999. ZX Spectrum Golf
  1000. ZZZZ

Phew! Det tok sin tid å skrive alt det der!


2 kommentarer om “ZX Spectrum vender tilbake”

    • Hehe, deres skriveleif, ikke min! :)

      Når det er sagt, tror jeg dette prosjektet har truffet på et par-tre problemer i årenes løp. Artikkelen er fra 2015.


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