Graviteam Tactics: Mius-Front er et spill som bør utfordre selv erfarne skrivebordsgeneraler.
Russiske Graviteam har lang erfaring med avanserte krigsspill, med titler som Graviteam Tactics: Operation Star og det Paradox-utgitte Achtung Panzer: Kharkov 1943 på rullebladet. Nå er de snart klare med sitt nyeste spill, og nok en gang foregår handlingen på østfronten under andre verdenskrig.

På én måte minner Graviteam Tactics: Mius-Front litt om Total War-serien. Det er nemlig delt i to deler, der den ene foregår på operasjonsnivå, og lar deg flytte tropper rundt på kartet i turbasert modus. Når troppene dine møter fienden, får du et taktisk sanntidsspill der du må detaljstyre dem på slagmarken.
Spillet tar for seg fire store operasjoner der den Røde Armé og tyske Wehrmacht kjemper mot hverandre på et landskap på over 140 kvadratkilometer. Dette har blitt rekonstruert ved hjelp av topografiske kart, bilder og videoer. Du får leke deg med over 100 forskjellige kjøretøyer produsert i Sovjet, Tyskland, USA og Storbritannia.
Graviteam Tactics: Mius-Front kommer «snart», og jeg har klistret inn lista over spillfunksjonalitet under denne teaser-videoen:
- New enhanced UI: streamlined interface of various panels, radial orders menu and other enhancements.
- Interface appearance and customization: three variants of appearance are included, customizable unit markers (Red Army, Wehrmacht, NATO).
- High replayability and advanced AI, which selects the best strategy based on behavior, not a predetermined script.
- Advanced management of forces in the operational phase: reinforcement strategies and management of reserves.
- Statistics keeping: performance of each unit is recorded (kills, losses, awards, etc.). After each battle, damages and condition of forces and vehicles are shown in the after battle statistics.
- Battlefield simulation: realistic vision devices, smoke screens and flares, creation of trenches, explosion craters. Remnants of previous battles remain on the battlefield until the end of operation.
- Realistic soldier behavior: each soldier has several essential parameters, such as experience level, stamina and morale, which influence their behavior and effectiveness.
- Detailed weapon modeling and realistic ballistics: bullets and projectiles follow ballistic trajectories, taking wind, temperature and other parameters into account.
- Advanced armor penetration: modeling based on ballistic histograms without simplifications of probabilistic methods, generation of secondary fragmentation fields takes into account many parameters, such as the change of the field shape in space, fragments and armor characteristics, armor thickness and damage conditions.
- Complex vehicle damage system: engine, suspension, sights, weapons and targeting mechanisms can be damaged separately, affecting the combat capabilities.
- Destructible environment: almost everything can be blown up and destroyed, from landscape surface and buildings to vehicles and enemy defensive installations.
- Advanced control of the off-map artillery, featuring various fuse settings and shell types.
- Formation and movement modes: lines and columns, movement by road and covertly, infantry following behind tanks, setting a delay, fire sectors, etc.
- Automatic smoke screen laying: units set up smoke screens when enemy is spotted.
- Dynamic change of the time of day, light sources and weather effects, influence the course of battle, visibility and area passability.